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Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

[bt_section][bt_row][bt_column width=”3/4″][bt_header superheadline=”March 17th 2019″ headline=”Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at Havasu Springs” headline_size=”small” dash=”no” headline_color=”btHeadlineDefaultColor” bottom_dash_color=”btBottomDashDefaultColor” subheadline=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_header][bt_text]

It ain’t easy being green…unless it’s on St. Patrick’s Day!

Celebrating St. Patrick’s day includes every Spring we search our closets to retrieve that one item that we only save because it’s perfect for March 17th. A neon lime dress, an olive pair of slacks, a shiny emerald blouse— it’s all still in your possession so you won’t get pinched on St. Patty’s Day. Ever stop to wonder why exactly we celebrate this way? We’re glad you asked.

The first official St. Patrick’s Day in New York City was held in 1762, while the day has been celebrated since the early 1600s. St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is believed to have died on March 17th, so the day is celebrated in his remembrance. The day is also celebrated to commemorate the arrival of Christianity to Ireland. St. Patrick also used the three-leaf clover, or shamrock, as an explanation of the Holy Trinity to the Irish. Shamrocks are the national flower and emblem of Ireland.

Fun fact

St. Patrick’s real name was not actually Patrick. Patrick was the name he was given as a priest. His real name was Maewyn Succat. In addition to this, St. Patrick wasn’t Irish — he was born in Great Britain to Roman parents. At the young age of 16, he was brought to Ireland as a slave; he escaped after six years and became a priest.

St. Patrick’s Day is not only an Irish festival, but it is also a national holiday in Montserrat (Caribbean Islands). Commercially, the also holiday is celebrated heavily in North America and Canada.

On St. Patrick’s Day, it is customary to wear shamrocks, green clothing or green accessories (see examples here). St. Patrick is said to have used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish.

I know what you’re thinking…

so where does the pinching factor in? Well, remember when you believed in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and Leprechauns? People often wear green on St. Patrick’s Day to also make themselves invisible to mischievous leprechauns. These magical meddlesome creatures glide and soar through the air, pinching anyone who failed to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day.

Don’t let yourself be a victim to their tricks! As an adult, anyone who practices the pinching tradition and pinches others who aren’t wearing green can often be compared to the leprechaun species.

To seek shelter from the pinching leprechauns and bothersome friends,

dress up in your best green outfit and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us at The Springs Dining at Havasu Springs Resort! This March 17th we will be serving traditional Irish Feast dishes such as corned beef and cabbage dinners, fresh Reuben sandwiches, authentic homemade Irish lamb stew, and so much more! Click the button below to view the special St. Patricks Day menu.

Call 928-667-4593 to make your reservation now!

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